
Arctic forum: Horizontal ties and civic initiatives as the basis of international cooperation

Horizontal ties and civic initiatives as the basis of international cooperation in the Arctic region
Implementation of the BRICS principles in exploration of the Arctic

When global turbulence affects all the processes, it is important to maintain the framework of interaction. We are talking about public initiatives where a wide range of activities and practices are implemented. This was suggested by the founder of GlobUs Yulia Berg.

Public initiatives are manifested in a variety of formats and variations. Using the example of the Arctic region, we can see a completely unique situation when, in fact, it does not belong to anyone, but a number of countries enjoy the right to explore, develop and use resources.

This is the richest region, the reserves of which have not yet been fully explored. Recently, it has become a space of rivalry, but in its harsh conditions cooperation can ensure victory or benefits, direct or indirect, for all participants of the process, and confrontation over resources will only lead to their exhaustion and weakening.

Multi-layered and multifunctional initiatives are being implemented in the Arctic, such as, for example, the Northern Landing, but so far it still remains quite closed. Another example of horizontal interaction is the Declaration on the rights and freedom of dolphins and whales, initiated by Alexander and Nicole Gratovsky and Denis Kotov. This is an absolutely universal, humanitarian, supranational project that is able to unite completely different people.

It is important to realize the potential of the Arctic region and understand that this is not a zero sum game. Cooperation here can open up new opportunities not only for countries or their individual representatives, but also for humanity as a whole.

There is a large amount of criticism and rhetoric of "de-", "anti-", "against" and so on in diplomacy and the public space, and just a few constructive proposals, especially strategic ones. Therefore, BRICS is a good practical example of implementation of such an alternative approach. The organization has no bureaucracy, it is a very flexible and vivid structure that unites according to its own elusive spirit and commitment to the values of a multipolar world order. It is on the same grounds that cooperation related to the Arctic can be built, Berg stressed.
2023-12-12 14:09